History of the Department
The Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology was established in 2015 to nurture the young minds with research and advanced technology based learning in the interdisciplinary areas of biological sciences. The main objective of the Department is to provide academic training and conduct the interdisciplinary research with a particular emphasis on extending the knowledge towards the development of innovative products and technologies of commercial significance. The department has ever since demonstrated an unfailing commitment towards research and man-power development in frontier areas of integrative biology.
The Department is a paradigm of technical innovation. The Department offers three years Bachelors, two years Masters Degree programming in Science (B.Sc. and M.Sc.), M.Phil (FT/PT) and Ph.D (FT/PT) Programme which are full-fledged courses in Biological Sciences. The well qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty from diversified interdisciplinary fields like Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology and state of art laboratories help in polishing the skills of the students.
The department provides an opportunity for the students from other departments to choose suitable courses form our department. The Curriculum of courses is in tune with national and international requirements for higher studies and career prospects. As Choice Based Credit (CBCS) system is followed, the student can exercise according to their needs and vision. Presently, for dissertation / thesis, expertise is primarily available in Clinical Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, General & Marine Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology. The department has ample infrastructure and culture facility in these areas of expertise. The students / scholars are helped for placement and training at different institutions across the country and abroad.
To provide an excellent academic environment for the benefit of students to develop with scientific proficient and faculty to acquire technological competence on par with human dignity and values by disseminating novel technologies to improve human life.
M1. To explore basic science, applied science and lab science with an industry focus and to act collectively like enhancing, improving and supporting interdisciplinary research and training.
M2. Create an exclusive learning environment through well planned education and wisdom process to facilitate the students to face the challenges in the scientific community.
M3. To provide quality education in pursuit of knowledge, that establishes a strong foundation for understanding developments in the rapidly advancing field of microbiology and biotechnology and to provide ethical based value education by encouraging activities addressing the public needs.
M4. To provide the nation with highly trained professional who are able to implement the scientific principles for the benefit of mankind.
HoD's Desk

Hearty Welcome to the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, School of Arts and Science, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research. The department has been established with a futuristic vision to nurture young dynamic, innovative, and well-trained researchers and technologists in the interdisciplinary biological sciences. The well established state-of-the-art laboratories provide a unique place for learning and carry out their research in different domains. The CBCS curricula have been structured keeping in view ever increasing demand of the domestic and global industry. The department with its multi disciplinary faculty members began its budding journey to attain the noble vision both in terms of research and quality of education in the realm of life sciences. Our faculty members were extremely energetic, enthusiastic and self-motivated with extraordinary teaching skills; trained in cutting edge research and acquired robust industrial experience in overseas as well as reputed national institutions, research labs and biopharmaceutical firms. The department is also very active in approaching different funding agencies such as DBT, DST, UGC, CSIR, ICMR and DRDO for funded research projects. Moreover, the faculty members have a proven track record of a good number of publications in reputed journals. We have hosted more national and international level conferences, seminars, symposiums, guest lectures, webinars, workshops, awareness programs and exhibitions. We have motivated students participation in co curricular and extracurricular activities within the campus and in other institutions to acquire knowledge about the latest advancements in technology. We have taken students to the industrial visits and national research laboratories to provoke their technical and research knowledge that will provide a strategy for planning their carrier in research, jobs, entrepreneurship or start-ups etc. We obviously feel that we may add more values to student’s life and have blissful learning experience in Our Department. Thank you.
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. SET.
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Micro & Biotech
Board of Studies
S.No | Name | Designation | BOS |
1 | Dr. L. Jeyanthi Rebecca | Prof & Head,Dept. of Industrial Biotechnology, BIHER, Chennai | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Syed Ali | Head, Dept. of Biotechnology, Mohammed Sadhak Arts and Science College, Chennai-119. | External Member |
3 | Dr. S. Kanimozhi | Head, PG & Research Dept of Microbiology, Asan Memorial College, Jaladianpet, Chennai-100 | External Member |
4 | Dr. M.R.K. Rao | Professor, BIHER, Chennai. | Internal Member |
5 | Dr. S. SelvaKumar | Associate Prof, BIHER, Chennai | Internal Member |
6 | Dr. K. E. Vivekanandan | Associate Prof, BIHER, Chennai | Internal Member |
7 | Ms. R. Kamalambigeswari | Asst. Prof, BIHER, Chennai | Internal Member |
8 | Ms. V. Jula | Asst. Prof, BIHER, Chennai. | Internal Member |
9 | Ms. A. Hallis Nissar | Asst. Prof, BIHER, Chennai | Internal Member |
Faculty Name | Achievements |
2018 - 2019 | |
Dr.T.Kalaiyarasu | Kalaiyarasu Thangaraj, Balamuralikrishnan Balasubramanian, Sungkwon Park, Karthi Natesan, Wenchao Liu and Vaiyapuri Manju. Orientin induces G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and mitochondria mediated intrinsic apoptosis in human colorectal adenocarcinoma HT29 cells. Biomolecules. 2019, 9, 418. IF 4.08 |
Dr.K.E.Vivekanandan | Krishnaswamy Ezhilan Vivekanandan, Swethavinayagam, Deepika Venkatesan, and L. Jeyanthi Rebecca. Preparation of Chitosan Nanoparticles and its Synergistic Effects against Gram Positive and Gram Negative Microorganisms, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 13 (4): 2317-2324, 2019. |
2019 - 2020 | |
Dr.T.Kalaiyarasu | Mydhili Govindarasu, Kalaiyarasu Thangaraj, Venkatachalam Murugesan, Manju Vaiyapuri. Kaempferitrin Cause Cell Cycle Arrest at G2/M Phase and Reactive Oxygen Species Mediated Apoptosis in Human Colon Cancer HT-29 Cells. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 2019, 8, 3S2. |
Dr.K.Ashok Dr.J.Senthil Dr.M.Babu |
K. Ashok, J. Senthil and M. Babu. Antiproliferative activity of tropical fruits. Alochana Chakra Journal 2020; 9(5): 2273 - 2286. |
Dr.T.Kalaiyarasu Dr.K.Ashok Dr.J.Senthil Dr.M.Babu |
M. Babu, K. Ashok, J. Senthil and T. Kalaiyarasu. Effect of pH on Arthrospira platensis production. Alochana Chakra Journal 2020; 9(5): 2297 - 2305. |
Dr.K.Ashok Dr.J.Senthil Dr.M.Babu |
K. Ashok, M. Babu and J. Senthil. Effects of Yoga exercises on respiratory disorders. Alochana Chakra Journal 2020; 9(5): 2413 - 2426. |
Dr.K.Ashok Dr.J.Senthil Dr.M.Babu Dr.V.Janaki Devi Dr.V.Padmapriya |
Senthil J, Janaki Devi V, Padmapriya V, Ashok K and Babu M. In silico molecular docking of Vanillic acid against apoptotic proteins. Mukt Shabd Journal 2020; 9(5): 5267 - 5278. |
Dr.T.Kalaiyarasu Dr.K.Ashok Dr.J.Senthil Dr.M.Babu |
Senthil J, Dwarakanath SK, Kalaiyarasu T, Babu M and Ashok K. Antiviral activity of herbal plants and its phytocompounds - An overview. Mukt Shabd Journal 2020; 9(6): 32 - 45. |
Dr.J.Senthil | Nisha R, Tina S Biju, Malarvizhi R and Senthil J. A review on antidiabetic potential of traditional medicinal plants. Mukt Shabd Journal 2020; 9(6): 5121 - 5133. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
Bharath Kumar. S., Ashok. K. and Babu, M. (2019). Surgical Helper. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Mauritius, pp: 1-50. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
Bharath Kumar. S., Ashok. K. and Babu, M. (2019). Heart Beat, Humidity, Temperature, Pulse and Weight (HHTPW) Detector). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Mauritius, pp: 1-55. |
Dr.M.Babu | Participated as Yoga instructor for NSS special Camp students of Sree Muthu Kumaraswamy College on 18.12.2019- 24.12.2019 at Vitchoor village, Cholavaram, Tiruvallur. |
Dr.M.Babu | Participated as Chief Guest & Yoga instructor for Independence Day special Yoga programme organized by Bhumi Foundation on 26. 01. 2020 at Bhumi Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. |
Dr.M.Babu | Participated as Yoga instructor for NSS special Camp students of SCP Jain College on 25.01.2020 at Govt. Higher Sec. School, Manali, Ch-68. |
Dr.T.Kalaiyarasu Dr.J.Senthil Dr.V.Janaki Devi Dr.V.Padmapriya Dr.M.Babu Mrs.V.Jula Mrs.M.Mahalakshmi |
Attended “Faculty Development Programme on Deep Learning and Applications”, Sri Sankara Arts & Science College, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu in January, 2020. |
Dr.J.Senthil | Attended MHRD sponsored Capacity Building Programme on “Outcome Based Education in the digital era” organized by the Department of Commerce at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India on January, 2020. |
2020 - 2021 | |
Dr.T.Kalaiyarasu | Manju Vaiyapuri, Karthi Natesan, Bala Murali Krishna Vasamsetti, Manjulatha Mekapogu, Mallappa Kumara Swamy and Kalaiyarasu Thangaraj*. Orientin: A C-Glycosyl Flavonoid that Mitigates Colorectal Cancer. In Plant-derived Bioactives, Springer, Singapore, 2020. 1-19. |
Dr.T.Kalaiyarasu | Member of the Academic Advisory Board, Ist Bioniscol Young Innovation Contest & Virtual Project Expo 2021. Bionicsol Bharat Private Limited, Chennai. |
Dr. Vasukidevi Ramachandran | Editorial Member for Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology.2020. |
Dr. Vasukidevi Ramachandran | Editorial Member for Journal of Engineering Research and Reports.2020 |
Dr. Vasukidevi Ramachandran | Editorial Member for Asian Hematolology Research Journal 2020 |
Dr.J.Senthil | Best Young Faculty Award - 2020 presented by Bestow Edutrex International, Mumbai registered as LLP and MSME, Government of India. |
Dr.J.Senthil | Senthil J, Anisha G and Jula V. Antidiabetic activity of medicinal plants: A review. Scrutiny International Research Journal of Biological and Environmental Science 2020; 7(7): 15 - 22. |
Dr.V.Padmapriya Dr.J.Senthil |
Padmapriya V, Monica J and Senthil J. Human Deadliest Viruses: Transmission, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Prevention. Scrutiny International Research Journal of Microbiology and Bio Techniques 2020; 7(4): 08 - 20. |
Dr.J.Senthil | Shobika R, Kameshwari KP, Firdhouse A and Senthil J. Compare and Contrast: Covid-19, Influenza and SARS. Scrutiny International Research Journal of Microbiology and Bio Techniques 2020; 7(4): 21 - 30. |
Dr.J.Senthil | Vaishnu SS, Jula V, Mahalakshmi M and Senthil J. Anticancer activity of medicinal plants: A Review. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Scientific Research 2020; 3(6): 24 - 29. |
Dr.J.Senthil | Azhagu Madhavan S, Vinotha P, Uma V, Ganesan S and Senthil J. Covid-19 therapeutic and prevention aminoquinolines against coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine review. The International Journal of Indian Psychology 2020; 8(3): 1162 - 1169. |
Dr.J.Senthil Dr.M.Babu |
Malarvizhi R, Tina S Biju, Nisha R, Senthil J and Babu M. Discovery, Techniques, Recent Advancements and Current Applications of DNA Profiling. Scrutiny International Research Journal of Microbiology and Bi o Techniques 2020; 7(5): 01 - 14. |
Dr.J.Senthil Dr.V.Padmapriya |
Nisha R, Malarvizhi R, Tina S Biju, Senthil J and Padmapriya V. ABC's of Regenerative Medicine - A Mini Review. Scrutiny International Research Journal of Biological and Environmental Science 2020; 7(10): 01 - 12. |
Dr.J.Senthil Dr.V.Janakidevi |
Mounica U, Pooja S, Senthil J and Janakidevi V. Anticancer activity of some medicinal plants: A review. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development 2020; 4(6): 1772 - 1775. |
Dr.J.Senthil | Malarvizhi R, Nisha R, Tina S Biju and Senthil J - Epidemiology, Clinical characteristics and current potential treatment of Covid-19: A Systematic Review (Chapter 10)- Immortal Publications, Vijayawada, India. New Innovations and Recent applications of technical and non technical aspects in challenging the present day society. Page No. 88 - 103, June 2020. ISBN # 979-8-6432-1141-9. |
Dr.V.Janaki Devi | Velmurugan Janaki Devi, Raman Lakshmisundaram, Jamuna R. Subramaniam. Organic solvents can influence acetylcholine neurotransmission in Caenorhabditis elegans |
Dr. Vasukidevi Ramachandran | Vasukidevi Ramachandran, Geetha.S, Guna Shankar.R, Umesh.B.A. “A Case Study on BMI and Obesity on Age Group Between 18 Years To 22 Years”International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research., Vol. 5, No. 06; 16.2020 Page no 14-20. |
Dr.J.Senthil | Govindaswamy Padmapriya, Alagesan Muthukumaravel, Kamalanathan Ashok, Janarthanan Senthil, Muthu Babu. 2020. Antimicrobial Activity of Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Room Sprayer from Arachis hypogaea Root Nodules, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(4). 2020. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
K. Rajasekar, K. Muthukumaravel, K. Ashok and M. Babu . 2020. Phytosynthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles from Opuntia ficus and its antibreast cancer activity against MCF-7 cell line (invasive ductal carcinoma). Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No. 2, 4414-4419, 2020. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
K. Rajasekar, K. Muthukumaravel, K. Ashok and M. Babu . 2020. Antiprolipertive activity of activated carbon produced from Musa acuminata fruit peel against MDA-MB-231 cell line. Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No. 2, 4427-4429, 2020. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
K. Rajasekar, K. Muthukumaravel, K. Ashok and M. Babu . 2020. Improved micro propagation of Vigna radiata and anticancer activity of in vitro raised plant extract against human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No. 2, 4501-4508, 2020. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
K. Rajasekar, K. Muthukumaravel, K. Ashok and M. Babu . 2020. Isolation and primary cell culture of mouse liver cells. Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No. 2, 4430-4432, 2020. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
K. Rajasekar, K. Muthukumaravel, K. Ashok and M. Babu . 2020. Anti-Proliferlative effect of a compound isolated from Actinidia deliciosa against human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HepG-2). Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No. 2, 4464-4471, 2020. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
K. Rajasekar, K. Muthukumaravel, K. Ashok and M. Babu . 2020. Anti-Proliferlative effect of a compound isolated from Actinidia deliciosa against human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HepG-2). Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No. 2, 4464-4471, 2020. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok DR.V.Janakidevi |
V, Babu. M, Giridharan.P, Janakidevi. V, Ashok . K, Satheesh. D. 2020. Biomedical applications of Arachis hypogaea root nodules extracts. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2(8);763-773. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
Bharath Kumar. S*, Nagoor Babu, Ashok. K and Babu. M. 2020. Automatic Aayurvathic Enema Preparing Machine, Mukt Shabd Journal, 9(6):739- 754. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok Dr.J.Senthil |
K. Ashok, M. Babu* and J. Senthil. 2020. Effects of Yoga Exercises on Respiratory Disorders, Alochana Chakra Journal, 9(5):2413-2426. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
M. Babu*, Manikandan. M, Yogashree. G, Rekha. D, Ashok.K. 2020. Experimental Analysis of Polyherbal Formulated Fumagation Practices Over the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Mukt Shabd Journal, 9(5): 5256- 5266. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok DR.V.Janakidevi |
Janaki Devi. V, Devanand. M, Anisha. G, Monica. J, Babu. M* and Ashok. K*.2020. In Silico Molecular Docking of Kappa-Carageenan Against D7 Salivary Gland Protein of Adult Female Anopheles Stephesnsi, Mukt Shabd Journal, 9(6): 17-31. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok DR.V.Padmapriya |
Padmapriya. V, Naveen. J, Anusha. R, Lakshmi Devi. R, Ashok. K and Babu. M*. 2020. In silico Study of Polyphenolic Compounds Interactions with ORF45- Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Protein, Alochana Chakra Journal, 9(5):7980- 7992. |
Dr.M.Babu Dr.K.Ashok |
Naveen. J, Ashok. K, Babu. M. 2020. Nanoparticles A General Review, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Mauritius, pp: 1-75. |
Student Achievements
Student Name | Achievements |
2018 - 2019 | |
R.Swarna | Won the prize in Drawing Event on International Women's Day on 08.03.2019 at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. |
R.Swarna | Won first prize in Scitech Expo Event in Biohelix 2K19 on 06.03.2019 organized by Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. |
B.Malavika | Won third prize in Talent Hunt Event in Biohelix 2K19 on 06.03.2019 organized by Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. |
B.Malavika | Won first prize in Innovative Talk Event in Biohelix 2K19 on 06.03.2019 organized by Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. |
2019 - 2020 | |
R.Swarna | Won first prize in Pencil Art Drawing Competition in International Women's Day on 09.03.2020 at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. |
R.Swarna | Won first prize in Hand Painting Competition on ELYSIAN 2019 at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. |
2020 - 2021 | |
P.Sangavi | Gramin Dak Sevak, Head Record Office, Trichy.RMS 'T' Division, (Railway Mail Service), Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. |
M.Divyasri | Placed in TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES, Chennai. |
B.Malavika | Placed in TECH MAHINDRA, Chennai. |
N.Aathirai | Placed in COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, Chennai. |
Programs Offered
UG Programmes
- B.Sc. Biotechnology
- B.Sc. Microbiology
- B.Sc. Biochemistry
PG Programmes
- M.Sc. Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Microbiology
- M.Sc. Biochemistry
Research Programmes
- M.Phil. Biotechnology
- M.Phil. Microbiology
- Ph.D. Biotechnology
- Ph.D. Microbiology
- Ph.D. Biochemistry
Students Strength
Batch | Number Of Students Enrolled |
2018 – 2019 | 191 |
2019 – 2020 | 239 |
2020 - 2021 | 289 |
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology conducted a webinar on “Environmental Conservation-The Indian Way” in 05.06.2021 on behalf of “World Environment Day” with guest speaker Dr.S.R.Madhan Shankar, Dean-Academics, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology conducted a National Level webinar on “COVID19-Myth and Truth” in 29.05.2021 with guest speaker Dr.G.P.Pazhani, Associate Professor, Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chennai.
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology conducted a National Level webinar on “Cirus Nutraceuticals: An Emerging Therapeutic System to Diabetes Mellitus Pathogenesis ” in 30.03.2021 with guest speaker Dr.S.Srinivasan, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Government Arts College for Women, Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu.
6th Mar 2019 | Symposium | BIOHELIX 2K19 |
9th Aug 2019 | Guest Lecture | DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION |
6th Sep 2019 | Freshers Day | FRESHERS DAY 2019 - 2020 |
28th Jan 2019 | National Workshop | BASIC TOOLS IN BIOINFORMATICS |
30th Jan 2019 | Guest Lecture | PERSONALITY GROOMING PROGRAMME |
30th Jan 2019 | Guest Lecture | WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME |
4th Feb 2020 | Special Guest Lecture | WORLD CANCER DAY |
4th Feb 2020 | Cancer Awareness Rally | WORLD CANCER DAY |
Faculty Details
S.No | Name of the Staff | Qualification | Designation | Area of Specialization |
1 | Dr.T.Kalaiyarasu | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. SET | Associate Professor & Head | Cancer Biology,Targeted Drug delivery |
2 | Dr. Vasukidevi Ramachandran | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Diabetes Mellitus, Tissue Engineering |
3 | Dr.V.Janaki Devi | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Microbiology, Neurotoxicology |
4 | Dr.V.Padmapriya | M.Sc., PGDMLT., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Environmental Biotechnology, Nanotechnology |
5 | Dr.A.Parthasarathy | M.Sc., Ph.D. NET | Associate Professor | Cardiac Fibrosis, Cancer Biology |
6 | Dr.K.Ashok | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Nanotechnology, Cancer Biology |
7 | Dr.M.Babu | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Phytochemistry, Entomology |
8 | Dr.G.Geo Princy | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D | Associate Professor | Nano biotechnology, Medical Biochemistry |
9 | Mrs.K.Mullai Nila | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Microbiology, Phytomedicine |